
Where FIT takes the form of You

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Delicious Dinner

Hey Sexy Bodies,

How has your day been so far? I woke up late because of the dredged cramps and endometriosis pain I suffer from as well as some regular sleeplessness.
Anyways,  I'm finishing up some editing on my video to get it up asap while I'm blogging and cooking dinner.

Yeah, it's about 6:28pm here in Washington State, so that's about dinner time. I found this recipe from a magazine I cut out some time back in Hawaii when I first got on my healthy lifestyle kick. I found it stuffed in my BIGGEST LOWER Quick and Fast cookbook. I have used this book before for some fun, healthy, unique recipes but this recipe was not from this book; it was from another magazine and girl, I'm glad I found it!

The recipe called Curried Shrimp and potato Kebabs. I will place the recipe within. But OMG, I would've never thought to curry my shrimp as I have never done this on my own. I've had curry beef, shrimp and chicken before when I live in Hawaii. But never made it myself, to be honest, I wasn't very fond of the curry flavor. Mainly because it seemed that every time I had a curry dish it was like overpoweringly CURRIED!

The spice was way too much for me to enjoy the dish as much as I would like. But I followed the instructions to this recipe with only one detour (I added a bit of Cheyenne pepper), and it turned out AWESOME and filling. I mean who doesn't like anything kebabbed. The shrimp was juicy, the potatoes were soft, the sauce was heavenly and the seasoning was just to DIE for. I mean so flavorful.

I mean LAWD have MERCY! LOL

Just check out these pictures. The recipe and my creation. I loved it and I think I will add this recipe in my own book of "GREATS"!

I added the edamame because I wanted a green vegetable with all my meals. It just makes me feel better. Idk why exactly, but I'm used to meals in this manner... when in doubt ALWAYS add a vegetable.

Anyways, it was just the best. In the morning I also filmed a live video on my Instagram showing me making my breakfast and my lunch smoothie. So check that out if you like too.

Did some light cardio to prepare for my 1 mile run tomorrow. Ugh, this is gonna be tough. I do not have a weight update right now because I've been trying to just focus on the fitness and healthy lifestyle as well as the journey.

Try this dish out and let me know what you think and comment and let me know if I did it justice in my pictures.
and with that being said...
I better hit the hay. Got a busy day tomorrow.

Stay beautiful... Bodies
xoxoxo Angels😇

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cardio and Core and MORE

Hey Hot Bodies,
How has your day been? Well, it is late into the evening here and I successfully complete to fantastic work out routines. I feel great! 

Why two work out you ask? 
Hmmm... Simply because I like to work out a bit after I have my dinner. This is usually the time when I slow down and feel sluggish. That was when I used to eat pretty much like my "teen years". However, now I am more mindful of what I cook and what I eat. 

Small portions, fewer salt intake, a balanced plate are ways that I have been using to avoid the dreaded "after dinner sluggishness".  I do have a habit of calorie counting here and there but I try not to make that my main dietary focus. Moderation, timing, and balance are what has been working for me so far.

Anyhow for my earlier workout, I did some cardio at the gym on a treadmill. About time straight and rigorous minutes. It was crazy but I only got winded a bit at about the 6 minute something marker. Which for me is a WIN because usually after the 2-3 minute marker I am already winded and tired. 

I may have to contribute some of my progress to my new pair of running shoes that I purchased last week on eBay. A fresh pair of Underarmour grey running shoes. They were so comfortable and allowed my foot to breathe and move. I have low arches and the insoles that came in them seemed to give just enough support. Of course, that is my opinion from the treadmill perspective. I will have an update when I do my 1-mile run this Wednesday on the outdoor track. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't dreading this track run but there is "NOTHING TO IT, BUT TO DO IT"! 

So the new kicks helped as well as my supplements... Women's Best Pre-workout Booster. Let me tell you gals after I first took this rather tasty pre-workout; I did not wait the directed allotted minutes before my workout and I ended catching a wicked caffeine headache. I forgot that pre-workouts formulas are mostly made up of CAFFEINE. Duh! LOL 

Which kinda is crazy because I am caffeine sensitive. I know a few other girls friends that are the same as I on this one. So to remedy this issue, when I took the Women's Best Pre-workout Booster this time, I used the recommended one scoop amount, instead of 8 oz of water used about 10 oz, shake then drank it down. I waited for the recommended allotted time of 15 to 30 minutes before my workout. 

And what do ya know, I felt great during and after my workout. No headache from the caffeine boost and I powered through the cardio portion of my workout like a champ. It was awesome!

After the treadmill cardio, I worked on some abs and arms. I love/hate working my abs/core for obvious reasons... the brutal burn and my arms are a constant project for me as I need to gain more upper body strength.
As I powered through those workouts I feel the sweet burn and I know later after when I get home, I get to drink some of my Women's Best BCAA amino supplement. The BCAA amino drink is to nurture my sore muscle by aiding in muscle recovery.

 When I get home I enjoy a steamy, sweet Epson salt bath. 

Girl, let me tell you I really needed that. Idk about you all but I sweat hard at the gym. Plus, I needed to nurse some previously archy muscules. Plus, it's "THAT" time of the month so I am majorly bloated. However, that bath was just what I needed. 

I then prepared my dinner of chicken thigh, white cheddar broccoli rice, and light buttered/peppered Brussel sprouts. It was amazing!

After that, it was time for me to pick out of my homemade weekly workout bag to see what workout routine I would be doing for my weekly youtube channel. Be kind when you comment on the video. Like I mentioned before it is my "TIME" of the month and I am extremely bloated plus I just ate dinner. Either way, this one is a follow-me type of video. So feel free to follow along.

Funny thing is I ended up blindly picking a CORE workout which was great for me. I filmed the workout and am working on the editing now to have it up this Tuesday, which is probably now today! LOL

So make sure you ladies check it out.

All in all, today was a pretty AWESOME day.
Stay Motivated

Running Shoes:

Supplements Pre-workout & Recovery:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sleep, wellness, and Fitness

Hello Ladies,

How's your fitness journey coming? Well, I have to say proudly that mine is in FULL EFFECT and I am so excited. I have my schedule set up, I revamped my "Pussy Palace" aka Queendom Room/Home gym. I implemented a dancer pole and I've been doing some outdoor cardio in addition to my routine. 

However, I still have one vice still yet to overcome... I admit I do not get enough sleep as I should. As a matter of fact, I am literally writing this blog because I just got home from work (graveyard shift) and I can't sleep. I tend to have the worst sleeping patterns and mainly because of my work schedule. 

That may have to change. 

Ladies, we NEED our beauty rest...
As a matter of fact, here are some sleep factoids and research.

According to The National Sleep Foundation (NSF), along with a multi-disciplinary expert panel, issued its new recommendations for appropriate sleep durations [WASHINGTON, DC, (February 2, 2015)].

  • Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours (new age category)
  • Adults (26-64): Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours
“This is the first time that any professional organization has developed age-specific recommended sleep durations based on a rigorous, systematic review of the world scientific literature relating sleep duration to health, performance, and safety,” said Charles A. Czeisler, PhD, MD, chairman of the board of the National Sleep Foundation, chief of sleep and circadian disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Baldino Professor of Sleep Medicine at the Harvard Medical School.(

At my age, I should be getting around 8 to 9 hrs sleep, but it is so difficult. As soon as I get home I have to take off my work clothes, wash my makeup off my face, jump into my pajamas and try to relax my racing mind.

I mean am I the ONLY one that is dog tired by the end of a work night, but comes home and is restless and mind racing? This is such a common occurrence for me that it's like hard to actually break the habit. Crazy right?!

So anyhow, I need to work on this issue, maybe see a specialist. It is said that apart of losing weight is getting a proper nights sleep allowing your body to recharge and repair. 

(Google Stock photos)

Being sleep deprived also raises cortisol levels that make your immune system vulnerable to any viruses around. We all should be wary of hurt we cause our bodies by not getting enough sleep. Your body depends on it. If you can not get the full amount, at least try to get as much as you can. Maybe short an hour or two. 

Sometimes when I lie in bed sleepless and restless. I pop my Power Beats earphones on and Bluetooth some meditation and nature sounds through my Spotify. It many times works when I do not have enough time to try a sleeping aid (Pill). Trust me, it does help out a bunch. 

As a matter of fact... I better get to bed and so should you.
Stay motivated and take care of your lovely self.

xoxox Angels😇

Back at it AGAIN!!!

So yeah, there has been some time in-between where I "relapsed" back into my old ways. What I mean by that is every now and again we fall off the "fitness wagon" and end up right back where we start. Weight gain and demotivation happens very quickly when one quits her workout regimen. This happens to many women that tend to get "busy" or otherwise tied up in life's errands and events. Going to university was one thing that halted my progress. Simply because I was more engaged in getting good grades and keeping my GPA up. Writing endless thesis papers and meeting homework deadlines was all I was worried about. 

Then came the stress eating because my female flag football team had disbanded after our championship win. Most of the ladies on my team were military service members and many their female spouses. So if you aren't familiar with Military life, services members, their spouses, and their families tend to move or "relocate to different places throughout his or her time in the military. Which means making new friends is a common occurrence and well as indefinite. We tend to move all over the continental United States as well as overseas duty stations. 

The ending of our league, work-study, the pressures of student life, and eventually relocating myself; led to the halt in my fitness journey. I know things like this happens a lot to other females all over the world; as we are busy and may also have others that depend on us to keep things afloat. 

However, it is most likely that time mismanagement led to us ultimately pushing our fitness journey out of the picture. That's what I did. Now it's time to get back in the game and drop this college and poor lifestyle weight. I know I can do it because now I have a goal and a plan to reach it.

Would you join me? If so, let me know in the comments and send ya girl some motivation. We CAN DO IT together. No more stopping, no more excuses and no more "letting it go". I owe it to myself to take care of my body and to make sure I make time for self-care. Fitness is apart of self-care, not just facials, bubble baths, and massages. But actually taking care of every aspect of ourselves. To be able to live our BEST lives and to ensure that cater to our minds, bodies, and spirits.

To help me on my journey and to keep myself more accountable I have finally started my lonnnnngggg awaited YOUTUBE channel and I'm super excited to share it with you ladies. 

I am working on my editing from my cell, so please be kind lol! I also will input reminders in my schedule to post blogs about my journey and post on other social media sites with my progress. Make sure to also follow me on Instagram to see what I am eating, what supplements or new equipment I am using, any advice I have, as well as my daily lifestyle happenings. 

This is my plan to help me on my journey and to become better at time management. 

PRO-TIP: You should also implement a schedule to help you with your fitness journey.

xoxox Angels😇

Check me out and follow me on all my social media sites...