
Where FIT takes the form of You

Monday, April 6, 2020

Covid-19 and Fitness (Home-Based) Pt. 3

What up my pretty bodies,

 I hope you all are doing well and feeling great even in these trying times.
So to continue and finish out this elaboration of ideas one could engage in during this CRAZY COVID-19 quarantine, let's get straight to it.

In addition to part 1 and part 2 quarantine activities I've listed before, here are a few more.

We touch on the body, the mind, now let's talk about self-care. Yeah, you now the caring of oneself. Yes, it's a REAL thing and it is very necessary for your sanity and general wellbeing. Self-care may be a gimmicky term, but it is also the difference between thriving and collapse.

Of course, when most people (mostly females) think of self-care they think of face masks and massages or maybe a bubble bath. I mean, those are all good and dandy but there is more to self-care than just those things.  For example, meditation could be a big one that many of us forget about. 


I know the kids may be home for a while since the COVID-19 fiasco, however, if you have a spouse maybe you two can take turns occupying the kiddos so the other can catch some "ME" time. If you are single and do not have an "other", you can show the kiddos how to meditate with you. The key is for you to find a little piece of quiet to breathe, relax, unwind and release some stress or anxiety.

If your children are too young to understand meditation. You can utilize the iPad and set them down to a good kid-friendly show in their room, while you monitor with a baby cam in the other room.

Now Sit, breathe, and relax. Maybe have a cup of calming tea. Read your favorite magazine, blog, or book. Do some journaling. Maybe open the window and let the breeze take you. Give yourself a pedicure or a manicure. Do something crafty: coloring, knitting, sewing. Do some yoga stretches, listen to some calming rhythmic music or put on some of your favorite jam and dance your heart out. Maybe grab a glass of wine or non-alcoholic beverage and simply just call a friend.

Just because we are physically apart from friends or family right now, does not mean we can't call them or text them and check-in. Maybe they need to chat or you might want to just catch up. It's your time, you figure out what relaxes you.

You can also do all this with your face masks on or in a warm bubble bath because you deserve it. Just take some time for you!

If all else fails heres some apps that you can use to help you wind down.

  1. Stop, Breathe & Think
  2. Headspace
  3. Calm
  4. Colorfy

Just to name a few. These apps can be found on your Google Play or Apple Store.

The possibilities are ENDLESS!

Yes, I know we are stuck indoors for just a bit but take this time to focus on yourself and what you NEED.

Well, I hope you enjoyed these ideas I curated for you all. I'm about to engage in at least 4 of these ideas from pt.1 to pt. 3. Simply because I like to practice what I preach.

Enjoy your day and remember to take some time for yourself as often as needed!

I'll catch you pretty bodies in the next post.

