
Where FIT takes the form of You

Monday, April 6, 2020

Covid-19 and Fitness (Home-Based) Pt. 3

What up my pretty bodies,

 I hope you all are doing well and feeling great even in these trying times.
So to continue and finish out this elaboration of ideas one could engage in during this CRAZY COVID-19 quarantine, let's get straight to it.

In addition to part 1 and part 2 quarantine activities I've listed before, here are a few more.

We touch on the body, the mind, now let's talk about self-care. Yeah, you now the caring of oneself. Yes, it's a REAL thing and it is very necessary for your sanity and general wellbeing. Self-care may be a gimmicky term, but it is also the difference between thriving and collapse.

Of course, when most people (mostly females) think of self-care they think of face masks and massages or maybe a bubble bath. I mean, those are all good and dandy but there is more to self-care than just those things.  For example, meditation could be a big one that many of us forget about. 


I know the kids may be home for a while since the COVID-19 fiasco, however, if you have a spouse maybe you two can take turns occupying the kiddos so the other can catch some "ME" time. If you are single and do not have an "other", you can show the kiddos how to meditate with you. The key is for you to find a little piece of quiet to breathe, relax, unwind and release some stress or anxiety.

If your children are too young to understand meditation. You can utilize the iPad and set them down to a good kid-friendly show in their room, while you monitor with a baby cam in the other room.

Now Sit, breathe, and relax. Maybe have a cup of calming tea. Read your favorite magazine, blog, or book. Do some journaling. Maybe open the window and let the breeze take you. Give yourself a pedicure or a manicure. Do something crafty: coloring, knitting, sewing. Do some yoga stretches, listen to some calming rhythmic music or put on some of your favorite jam and dance your heart out. Maybe grab a glass of wine or non-alcoholic beverage and simply just call a friend.

Just because we are physically apart from friends or family right now, does not mean we can't call them or text them and check-in. Maybe they need to chat or you might want to just catch up. It's your time, you figure out what relaxes you.

You can also do all this with your face masks on or in a warm bubble bath because you deserve it. Just take some time for you!

If all else fails heres some apps that you can use to help you wind down.

  1. Stop, Breathe & Think
  2. Headspace
  3. Calm
  4. Colorfy

Just to name a few. These apps can be found on your Google Play or Apple Store.

The possibilities are ENDLESS!

Yes, I know we are stuck indoors for just a bit but take this time to focus on yourself and what you NEED.

Well, I hope you enjoyed these ideas I curated for you all. I'm about to engage in at least 4 of these ideas from pt.1 to pt. 3. Simply because I like to practice what I preach.

Enjoy your day and remember to take some time for yourself as often as needed!

I'll catch you pretty bodies in the next post.



Thursday, March 26, 2020

Covid-19 and Fitness (Home-Based) Pt. 2

Hey there sexy bodies,

So I want to continue the list I have compiled for those of us who are quarantined during this COVID-19 pandemic.
So lets me continue on some idea you can get into and no worries this part not about the fitness of the body but the wellness of the mind.

Learn a Languge

Many of you out there have dreamt of traveling and possibly learning another language but once again... "You just can not find the time or money". Well, guess what? I have compiled a list of apps that I use to help me learn a different language. I was using these apps and methods before the COVID-19 pandemic was a thing.


  1. Duolingo
  2. Mango (Military Only)
  3. RosetteStone
  4. Babble
All of these apps have helped me in any way when it comes to learning another language. I mean you can also pick up books to learn but I feel that the apps are a little more effective in their approach.
These apps help with tone, pronunciation, and general conversation. You may pay for extra features but for the most part the beginner section is vast and free. You can also set you, kids, down and learn together as a family. This will keep you all learning. While you can still dream and plan for your next trip after the pandemic. You can learn the language of the land you plan to visit someday.


Learning does not have to just be in school for you or your kids. Many of us have books at home we have not gotten around to reading. Maybe work and your kids have you too tied up! You are just spread thin these days. Well, during this quarantine you can pick up that book or order that self-help book or thriller off of Amazon and settle in. 

Make sure you have the children sat down with an educational video whilst you take to a quiet place in your home and read that book you haven't had the chance to read. You can also read to your children as the narrator as long as you feel the tone is child-appropriate. Why not get everyone involved in a book. Reading also helps teach self-disciple. So why not... NO MORE EXCUSES

Here are some books I've been into
  1. Born a Crime
  2. Becoming (Michelle Obama)
  3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  4. The 4-Hour Workweek
All of these books are good reads but if they are not your pot of tea... Check out what you have at home or search eBay or Amazon. I try to stick to cheap or used books. I mean just because you are stuck at home does not mean you have to break the bank.


I know many of us have fur babies. I am talking about pets. Yes, some states have a curfew or are on lockdown. But you can go on a short walk close to home just to get out a bit. If not only to get out of the house for a bit but also to let your pet get some exercise and relieve themselves. If you happen to come upon another person doing the same while you are out and about...KEEP YOUR DISTANCE... about 6 feet away distance. Do not worry about feeling like you are being rude, because chances are they are not living under a rock and they know what going on and will do the same. We all understand.

Then promptly get home and have a staycation at home and play with those pets. Cuddle them and feed them treats. Maybe try to teach your hound a new trick or do whatever cats like to do!! LOL IDK I'm not a cat person.

That's it for this segment. I will continue with part 3 on the next one on activities that I feel are quarantine approved. 
 Until then check out my youtube channel, my Instagram and check in here again for your fitness and wellness inspiration.

So stay safe, be smart, and stay home my body posse!


Covid-19 and Fitness (Home-Based) Pt. 1

Hey there bodies,

So we all know about this new disease called the CORONA VIRUS or COVID- 19 for short. We have been told it is a life-threatening disease that works to kill fast. Most people either went stark crazy when the news about COVID -19 came to America. Those same people went and depleted stores of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and medical supplies. Smh Some people did not and still do not take this illness seriously and refuse to stay in and there are those of us who have taken full advantage not working and staying at home to protect ourselves and others. With all this commotion going down. One must wonder “What is the right solution” and “What can I do while stuck indoors”. 

Well, my platform has always been about home-based fitness with gym incorporated if possible. But to go beyond the NOW home fitness craze, I compiled a list of activities that are sure to keep you active as well as sane (if you are stuck in the house. The list will be broken down into parts for a more in-depth explanation.
Some of them are pretty obvious and some may be something you had not thought about but may enjoy. 

So let’s get to it!

Fitness/Home workouts

You this one is pretty obvious right? Well for those who use the excuse “I just do not have the time”, or “I just can not get to the gym” or “I do not have childcare” and a bundle of other excuses. Well, fret no more because you can now get that much-needed workout at home. So the coronavirus got you inside and off of work... Here's your chance! 

Just a 10 to 20-minute workout is all you need and if you are not sure what to do, there are free apps, YouTube and Instagram personalities that can help you get started. Since the virus hit, many large and well now fitness advocates, personal trainers and celebrity personalities have been cashing in on the home fitness craze so there is no shortage of free and available workout and fitness routines that you do not have to leave home to do.

Apps like FITON have a large selection of workouts you can do at home and it is for free. There is a option to pay for more features but it is not at all needed. You can invite your friends socially and/r include your kids and spouse if you like. There is something for everyone here. FITON app can be found in your Google play store or Apple store on any of your social electronics. I use my FITON app daily and I post my accomplishments on my Instagram (bodybyangels86). 

Other apps that can be used are:
Achievement app- which is an app to gauge and track your steps.
My Fitness pal- which used to track your overall fitness progress, food, and water intake as well as log home workouts. Samsung health and Apple fit lets you do the same. 
You can find just about any app just by searching in your Google Play or Apple store, just make sure they are free. My favs are FITON, SAMSUNG Health, and ACHIEVEMENT.

Social media sites and personalities channels that you can follow that I like on Instagram are:

Bodybyangels86- I mean of course I would add my channel first (shameless plug). My Instagram is chalked full of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack ideas for the average person on a budget. The meals are balanced, healthy and cost-effective. I also post workout videos and motivational fitness videos. My hope is to take people on my fitness, weight loss and fat loss journey with me. Hopefully through seeing me going through this process will inspire others to join in.

Women's Best- Is a premium sports nutrition & sportswear company for women. There are other companies centered on men but this one is female gender specified. I used to just use this company to purchase my vegan/plant-based nutrition like pre-workout and protein powder and multivitamins. Women's Best also sells fitness clothing for active women. ALL-INCLUSIVE.
Currently, because of the COVID-19 virus going around Women's Best now offers home workouts as well as previously offered gym workout as well.

MrandMrsMuscle- Is one of the first home-based workout video creators that I have ever seen on Instagram. It is a fitness husband and wife who create videos that focus on different areas of the body. They mostly use bodyweight but they do sometimes incorporate free weights.
I love watching this couple and I highly recommend adding their channel if you have an Instagram page.

t1dhusky_fit- Is a young fellow that I found on Instagram as I was starting on my own
fitness journey. I believed he liked one of my workout videos so I checked his page out and got inspired. 
t1dhusky_fit is definitely a motivator with all of his daily workout videos as well as a fantastic inspiration. I recommend following this young man on his fitness journey.

Gymalarm- Is another fitness page that features home workout. Low to medium impact but maximum effect. I love watching Gymalarm home workout videos because they are so innovative on how they choose to work every muscle of the body. Mainly only using body weight. Their video mainly features females but I am sure males can utilize these workouts for themselves.

Bootyking- This page focuses specifically on the derrière region. Many ladies on social media promote and display big juicy booties and other ladies want the same thing. From celebrities to the average lady, booty king seems to know how to help ladies achieve their big butt goals. Some of Bootyking’s videos are done at the gym, however, currently, they have been doing more at home booty fitness videos.

 And finally…

Alittletaeste- This girl is All of that and a bag of chips…plantain chips that is. 
alittletaeste is a fitness and lifestyle blogger and fitness trainer. I love her side by side home and gym workout videos. She basically shows what home workout mimics gym workout if you are unable to get to the gym. She works on every area of the body and she looks great doing it. It is a marvel to watch her videos and she is sure to inspire anyone.

Those were just a few of my Insta favs lets finish up with a few YouTube channels. Let’s keep this short and sweet with a list format.


1.     FitnessBlender
2.     Blogilates
3.     Madfit
4.     Popsugar fitness

All of these channels are YouTube channels I use for home fitness. Just simply go to YouTube and search these channels for your at-home fitness needs.
 Since there are so many activities that I can list for you to try or consider, I have decided to break them up in parts. This will be part 1. 
I am all about fitness so that was the first thing I wanted to get to. But there are other activities that you can engage in during this quarantine due to the navel CORONAVIRUS aka COVID-19. 

You do not have to stay home and be bored. You can do thing that you thought you never had time to do before. Check-in for my other parts coming up.

Until then...



Monday, March 16, 2020

New Year New apps and new products

Hello gorgeous bodies, 
Yes I know it been a while since I posted. I have to get used to this multitasking social media idea. Honestly, Idk how some people do it. I work part time, constantly upload onto my Instagram, try yo work hard at learning how to edit for my YouTube channel all while trying to keep up on my fatloss journey. 
Boy! It can be overwhelming and a bit exhausting. But, either way I wanted to say Happy New year and with this NEW year I have finally purchased some items that I have been procrastinating to get. I've also downloaded some very useful apps to assist me on my journey! 
LET'S GET INTO IT shall we! 😊

One of the items that I recently purchased from Amazon is a multi-purpose Fitness scale that I seen ads for on my Instagram. This scale is called FitTrack. I'm not sure if any of you guys have heard of it, but it is a scale that measures every health component of your body. I mean like your BMI, body fat percentage, muscle mass, hydration level, bone mass, BMR, visceral fat, protein percentage, body age, weight control, standard weight, body fat, weight without fat, muscle weight, protein amount, and obesity degree.
You must download the app in conjunction to set up in order to see all of these components. Of course the app can be found on your Google Play or Apple Store. It helps you to monitor your full and complete health, which I really love and is the reason why I got it. The scale is very lightweight takes for AAA batteries not included and should be placed on a level surface of course the app can be found on your Google Play or Apple Store. This FitTrack scale helps you to monitor your full and complete health, which I really love and is the reason why I got it. So far I am loving it. However, to avoid too much or excessive focus on weight I only weight myself every other week. To check progress. 
I am weighing myself to track my progress and so far I am liking the knowledge of self this FitTrack Dara scale. A pricey buy to some but definitely worth the purchase. 

Next up: The Ayyie personal cordless blender. This little blender is a powerhouse. I purchased this blender for making small portion size smoothies and shakes on the go. 
I can take this baby to the gym, beach, work, just about anywhere and the sound admitted from it is very modest. Equipped with a tiny ice tray. Capacity 4000 and 20000 rpm's. This personal blender stays fully charged for up to a week. Any usb cord can be used. 
I use with my protein powder and tiny diced fruit and vegetables. The lanyard strap makes it easy to tote around when not in my gym bag. Double press to start with a pop lid. 
Next up: The 32oz Zounich water bottle. This bottle helps me to keep traxknof my water consumption for maximum hydration. I carry this bottle just about everywhere. Gym, car trips, office... The list goes on. 
The times are listed on the side of the Zounich bottle. The bottle has a frosted non slip surface to makes handling a breeze. This bottle comes with a filter for fruit and/or tea. So I can infuse water if needed. This filter also helps keep melting ice from slipping through. The carry strap is very convenient on a swivel ring. 
The Zounich bottle comes in various sizes and colors. I chose pink per my favorite color. 

next up: I have been having some knee joint issues. So on some advice from a coworker I searched for these pills called Tart cherry pills. Full of antioxidants and minerals to help lubricate my joints. They are tasteless and do not leave a sore burp like some other vitamins. 
With 10x potency they give me that extra pep for my daily cardio. I take 2 pills with my daily multivitamins. I feel great! It does take about a week or 2 to feel the effects. But when I feel it... Boy do I feel it! 
Next up: sometimes the snacking craving hits and we need to snack... Right ladies?!  So I grabbed a yumbox bento box. 
The yumbox bento may look like a product for a child. But this box is also made for adult snacking. I put all my favorite treats in this baby and I can store them in my pantry or take them to go. 
Of course the color I picked is pink. This box is a must have for those small craving bit make sure you only put in healthy snacks. 

All of these items were purchased from Amazon and are cost effective. I am big into deals so I strive to only bring you the most cost effective yet durable. Links will be included below. 

Until next time hot bodies! 