
Where FIT takes the form of You

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Covid-19 and Fitness (Home-Based) Pt. 2

Hey there sexy bodies,

So I want to continue the list I have compiled for those of us who are quarantined during this COVID-19 pandemic.
So lets me continue on some idea you can get into and no worries this part not about the fitness of the body but the wellness of the mind.

Learn a Languge

Many of you out there have dreamt of traveling and possibly learning another language but once again... "You just can not find the time or money". Well, guess what? I have compiled a list of apps that I use to help me learn a different language. I was using these apps and methods before the COVID-19 pandemic was a thing.


  1. Duolingo
  2. Mango (Military Only)
  3. RosetteStone
  4. Babble
All of these apps have helped me in any way when it comes to learning another language. I mean you can also pick up books to learn but I feel that the apps are a little more effective in their approach.
These apps help with tone, pronunciation, and general conversation. You may pay for extra features but for the most part the beginner section is vast and free. You can also set you, kids, down and learn together as a family. This will keep you all learning. While you can still dream and plan for your next trip after the pandemic. You can learn the language of the land you plan to visit someday.


Learning does not have to just be in school for you or your kids. Many of us have books at home we have not gotten around to reading. Maybe work and your kids have you too tied up! You are just spread thin these days. Well, during this quarantine you can pick up that book or order that self-help book or thriller off of Amazon and settle in. 

Make sure you have the children sat down with an educational video whilst you take to a quiet place in your home and read that book you haven't had the chance to read. You can also read to your children as the narrator as long as you feel the tone is child-appropriate. Why not get everyone involved in a book. Reading also helps teach self-disciple. So why not... NO MORE EXCUSES

Here are some books I've been into
  1. Born a Crime
  2. Becoming (Michelle Obama)
  3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  4. The 4-Hour Workweek
All of these books are good reads but if they are not your pot of tea... Check out what you have at home or search eBay or Amazon. I try to stick to cheap or used books. I mean just because you are stuck at home does not mean you have to break the bank.


I know many of us have fur babies. I am talking about pets. Yes, some states have a curfew or are on lockdown. But you can go on a short walk close to home just to get out a bit. If not only to get out of the house for a bit but also to let your pet get some exercise and relieve themselves. If you happen to come upon another person doing the same while you are out and about...KEEP YOUR DISTANCE... about 6 feet away distance. Do not worry about feeling like you are being rude, because chances are they are not living under a rock and they know what going on and will do the same. We all understand.

Then promptly get home and have a staycation at home and play with those pets. Cuddle them and feed them treats. Maybe try to teach your hound a new trick or do whatever cats like to do!! LOL IDK I'm not a cat person.

That's it for this segment. I will continue with part 3 on the next one on activities that I feel are quarantine approved. 
 Until then check out my youtube channel, my Instagram and check in here again for your fitness and wellness inspiration.

So stay safe, be smart, and stay home my body posse!


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