
Where FIT takes the form of You

Monday, January 13, 2014

Plan to a fitter you

Schedule Your Days

If you make a schedule every day for your everyday life errands, why not add your workouts to your daily routine! What I mean is as exactly what it sounds like; when you go to make a calendar schedule or and day planner schedule, make sure you add your attended workout.

I don't mean every single little work out information, but just a generalization of what you plan to work out that day.  For example, Say you have written down...

Monday- work at 8;00am to 1:00pm, arms and back Day, walk dogs

Tuesday-Legs and glutes Day, work from 7am to 12pm,


Thurs-Abs and core

Fri-Cardio/Zumba, work from 9pm to 5am

Sat-yoga, walk dogs, family night


Or however, you like to plan your days/weeks/months out!
and try to switch which days you do what, and rest days.
You can also go as far as meal planning/logging if this helps you make smart and healthy choices, but we'll get into that in the next blog.

I don't recommend weighing your self every day, but try to do it every end of the week or every other week.
Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so don't get discouraged when your weight seems to not be going down, you may be building muscle which will lead to "killing" fat. I have to remind myself of that a lot LOL!
Also taking a start weight photo of your self at the beginning of your start date. Then another as you see more and more results to keep track and plus self-motivation.

Putting a picture of your self of what you used to look like on a board, wall or refrigerator can help you also to your goal.
Or a celebrity or sports figure that you would like to look like.

Be careful and take caution on which person you wish to look like because most pictures of them in magazines are photoshopped and may be unrealistic.

Here are some pics of my self today before a workout!

And here are a few after, just some fit posing!

I do both home and gym workouts. (Not in the same day though)

Keep up the hard work, grab a partner, make it fun, and enjoy the journey to a better you!!!

Let me know your Fit-aspiration!


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