
Where FIT takes the form of You

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weigh in on your WEIGH INS!


So weigh-in is important for a motivational and informational for one's self!
So one question for you guys that's kinda worrisome lately. That question is when do you all start to see progress from your workouts? I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I'm having a hard time with that fact...
simply because I am not used to my weigh these days, but I'm making a conscious decision to lose this "prison of a body" of

My last Sunday weigh-in Jan. 19, 2014
173.2 lbs

So I weigh a little bit more and when I first started working out and I think it's because I'm gaining a little muscle, however, I am not able to see it yet.
So I also keep picture logs on what I am looking like after every weigh-in!
One of my gal pals from my football team THE LADY STINGRAYS; we made a pact to do this every time we weigh-in to keep us on track.
Having a workout buddy is great and helps us to reach our goals, so my suggestion once again is to try to find one...and sweat it out!
My goal and yours as well should not be to just lose weight but to be fitter and gain some muscle. Many people go wrong on this because in their head it's all about losing weight and forgetting about the bigger goal to be in shape.
Yes, I know the joke "ROUND IS A SHAPE", and as funny as that may seem, it's not the shape we are looking for RIGHT?  We want to be fit, live long and be comfortable in our skin.
Taking care of one's self inside and out should be your ultimate goal and something to strive for.
So WHAT'S YOUR MOTIVATION? What quips do you use to keep you going?
Let us know.
Make sure you weigh it in and keep track of your progress.
Make sure to to check out my youtube channel coming soon!

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