
Where FIT takes the form of You

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Back at it AGAIN!!!

So yeah, there has been some time in-between where I "relapsed" back into my old ways. What I mean by that is every now and again we fall off the "fitness wagon" and end up right back where we start. Weight gain and demotivation happens very quickly when one quits her workout regimen. This happens to many women that tend to get "busy" or otherwise tied up in life's errands and events. Going to university was one thing that halted my progress. Simply because I was more engaged in getting good grades and keeping my GPA up. Writing endless thesis papers and meeting homework deadlines was all I was worried about. 

Then came the stress eating because my female flag football team had disbanded after our championship win. Most of the ladies on my team were military service members and many their female spouses. So if you aren't familiar with Military life, services members, their spouses, and their families tend to move or "relocate to different places throughout his or her time in the military. Which means making new friends is a common occurrence and well as indefinite. We tend to move all over the continental United States as well as overseas duty stations. 

The ending of our league, work-study, the pressures of student life, and eventually relocating myself; led to the halt in my fitness journey. I know things like this happens a lot to other females all over the world; as we are busy and may also have others that depend on us to keep things afloat. 

However, it is most likely that time mismanagement led to us ultimately pushing our fitness journey out of the picture. That's what I did. Now it's time to get back in the game and drop this college and poor lifestyle weight. I know I can do it because now I have a goal and a plan to reach it.

Would you join me? If so, let me know in the comments and send ya girl some motivation. We CAN DO IT together. No more stopping, no more excuses and no more "letting it go". I owe it to myself to take care of my body and to make sure I make time for self-care. Fitness is apart of self-care, not just facials, bubble baths, and massages. But actually taking care of every aspect of ourselves. To be able to live our BEST lives and to ensure that cater to our minds, bodies, and spirits.

To help me on my journey and to keep myself more accountable I have finally started my lonnnnngggg awaited YOUTUBE channel and I'm super excited to share it with you ladies. 

I am working on my editing from my cell, so please be kind lol! I also will input reminders in my schedule to post blogs about my journey and post on other social media sites with my progress. Make sure to also follow me on Instagram to see what I am eating, what supplements or new equipment I am using, any advice I have, as well as my daily lifestyle happenings. 

This is my plan to help me on my journey and to become better at time management. 

PRO-TIP: You should also implement a schedule to help you with your fitness journey.

xoxox Angels😇

Check me out and follow me on all my social media sites...

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