
Where FIT takes the form of You

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Delicious Dinner

Hey Sexy Bodies,

How has your day been so far? I woke up late because of the dredged cramps and endometriosis pain I suffer from as well as some regular sleeplessness.
Anyways,  I'm finishing up some editing on my video to get it up asap while I'm blogging and cooking dinner.

Yeah, it's about 6:28pm here in Washington State, so that's about dinner time. I found this recipe from a magazine I cut out some time back in Hawaii when I first got on my healthy lifestyle kick. I found it stuffed in my BIGGEST LOWER Quick and Fast cookbook. I have used this book before for some fun, healthy, unique recipes but this recipe was not from this book; it was from another magazine and girl, I'm glad I found it!

The recipe called Curried Shrimp and potato Kebabs. I will place the recipe within. But OMG, I would've never thought to curry my shrimp as I have never done this on my own. I've had curry beef, shrimp and chicken before when I live in Hawaii. But never made it myself, to be honest, I wasn't very fond of the curry flavor. Mainly because it seemed that every time I had a curry dish it was like overpoweringly CURRIED!

The spice was way too much for me to enjoy the dish as much as I would like. But I followed the instructions to this recipe with only one detour (I added a bit of Cheyenne pepper), and it turned out AWESOME and filling. I mean who doesn't like anything kebabbed. The shrimp was juicy, the potatoes were soft, the sauce was heavenly and the seasoning was just to DIE for. I mean so flavorful.

I mean LAWD have MERCY! LOL

Just check out these pictures. The recipe and my creation. I loved it and I think I will add this recipe in my own book of "GREATS"!

I added the edamame because I wanted a green vegetable with all my meals. It just makes me feel better. Idk why exactly, but I'm used to meals in this manner... when in doubt ALWAYS add a vegetable.

Anyways, it was just the best. In the morning I also filmed a live video on my Instagram showing me making my breakfast and my lunch smoothie. So check that out if you like too.

Did some light cardio to prepare for my 1 mile run tomorrow. Ugh, this is gonna be tough. I do not have a weight update right now because I've been trying to just focus on the fitness and healthy lifestyle as well as the journey.

Try this dish out and let me know what you think and comment and let me know if I did it justice in my pictures.
and with that being said...
I better hit the hay. Got a busy day tomorrow.

Stay beautiful... Bodies
xoxoxo Angels😇

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