
Where FIT takes the form of You

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cardio and Core and MORE

Hey Hot Bodies,
How has your day been? Well, it is late into the evening here and I successfully complete to fantastic work out routines. I feel great! 

Why two work out you ask? 
Hmmm... Simply because I like to work out a bit after I have my dinner. This is usually the time when I slow down and feel sluggish. That was when I used to eat pretty much like my "teen years". However, now I am more mindful of what I cook and what I eat. 

Small portions, fewer salt intake, a balanced plate are ways that I have been using to avoid the dreaded "after dinner sluggishness".  I do have a habit of calorie counting here and there but I try not to make that my main dietary focus. Moderation, timing, and balance are what has been working for me so far.

Anyhow for my earlier workout, I did some cardio at the gym on a treadmill. About time straight and rigorous minutes. It was crazy but I only got winded a bit at about the 6 minute something marker. Which for me is a WIN because usually after the 2-3 minute marker I am already winded and tired. 

I may have to contribute some of my progress to my new pair of running shoes that I purchased last week on eBay. A fresh pair of Underarmour grey running shoes. They were so comfortable and allowed my foot to breathe and move. I have low arches and the insoles that came in them seemed to give just enough support. Of course, that is my opinion from the treadmill perspective. I will have an update when I do my 1-mile run this Wednesday on the outdoor track. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't dreading this track run but there is "NOTHING TO IT, BUT TO DO IT"! 

So the new kicks helped as well as my supplements... Women's Best Pre-workout Booster. Let me tell you gals after I first took this rather tasty pre-workout; I did not wait the directed allotted minutes before my workout and I ended catching a wicked caffeine headache. I forgot that pre-workouts formulas are mostly made up of CAFFEINE. Duh! LOL 

Which kinda is crazy because I am caffeine sensitive. I know a few other girls friends that are the same as I on this one. So to remedy this issue, when I took the Women's Best Pre-workout Booster this time, I used the recommended one scoop amount, instead of 8 oz of water used about 10 oz, shake then drank it down. I waited for the recommended allotted time of 15 to 30 minutes before my workout. 

And what do ya know, I felt great during and after my workout. No headache from the caffeine boost and I powered through the cardio portion of my workout like a champ. It was awesome!

After the treadmill cardio, I worked on some abs and arms. I love/hate working my abs/core for obvious reasons... the brutal burn and my arms are a constant project for me as I need to gain more upper body strength.
As I powered through those workouts I feel the sweet burn and I know later after when I get home, I get to drink some of my Women's Best BCAA amino supplement. The BCAA amino drink is to nurture my sore muscle by aiding in muscle recovery.

 When I get home I enjoy a steamy, sweet Epson salt bath. 

Girl, let me tell you I really needed that. Idk about you all but I sweat hard at the gym. Plus, I needed to nurse some previously archy muscules. Plus, it's "THAT" time of the month so I am majorly bloated. However, that bath was just what I needed. 

I then prepared my dinner of chicken thigh, white cheddar broccoli rice, and light buttered/peppered Brussel sprouts. It was amazing!

After that, it was time for me to pick out of my homemade weekly workout bag to see what workout routine I would be doing for my weekly youtube channel. Be kind when you comment on the video. Like I mentioned before it is my "TIME" of the month and I am extremely bloated plus I just ate dinner. Either way, this one is a follow-me type of video. So feel free to follow along.

Funny thing is I ended up blindly picking a CORE workout which was great for me. I filmed the workout and am working on the editing now to have it up this Tuesday, which is probably now today! LOL

So make sure you ladies check it out.

All in all, today was a pretty AWESOME day.
Stay Motivated

Running Shoes:

Supplements Pre-workout & Recovery:

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